Saturday, March 29, 2008

Joyeuses Pâcques

Although I was planning on going to Spain, I didn't mind having a Frenchy Easter here instead. It was great fun and I spoke more French than usual and got to sit back and watch everyone being chummy and reminiscing about bygone days. Perrine had colored some eggs in onion dye the night before, and made everyone draw on them with paint pens. Apparently I'm quite skillful because some people made quite a fuss over my ethereal egg designs. But had they known what a serious matter egg decoration is in my family, and had they only seen some of the past Gartner Easter Egg Achievements in Design, they would have understood that my work that afternoon was mere child's play.

There was much scrumptious food, especially the assorted pastries which followed lunch, and I have been living off of exquisite chocolate sea creatures ever since. The reserves are dwindling; I'll have them finished off by tomorrow.

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