Monday, March 31, 2008

Je voudrais acheter un hamburger

While I don't think my French has improved all that much since I've been here, I was thrilled tonight when Perrine told me that I am funny in French. Cause, you know, that's some indication of fluency. Not that I'm anywhere close to the vicinity of being nearly fluent. But really, a month ago I could barely communicate with a two-year-old, let alone, "So there was a priest, a lawyer, and a rabbi..." (I still couldn't pull that off, and I don't think I'd want to.)

Well I guess she was pretty amused today by my saying, "Excuse me while I hide myself hermetically in my room for a while." But probably amused in the sense that it would be really funny to hear a five-year-old say something like that. And I'm basically a five-year-old here. I told her "hermétiquement" is pretty much the same in English, but she insisted, "No, you are very good in French!" Yeah right, Perrine. You translated "fell asleep" for me today, you can't think I'm very bright.

But hey! I'll take being a cute five-year-old any day!

Just to make myself feel better about my poor language skillz, here's this little jewel:

On a totally unrelated note, the ice cream carton wasn't joking when it said "Rum Raisin." Boy. I hope they don't feed that stuff to children.

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