Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lions et Tigres et Perroquets, mon dieu!

This weekend I went to a party. A costume party, I quickly learned, thanks to the pirates and parrot who walked in with us! A real, live parrot. And a David Bowie. And a Viking, French chef, and Steve Buscemi. The costumes were cool and all, but what I honestly liked best were the bottomless plates of assorted cookies. I talked with French Steve Buscemi for a spell, but the only thing I understood of his English was "My English isn't very good," which I had kind of gathered anyway. Well, he did sing me a Serge Gainsbourg song called "Elisa" (my nickname in French), which was nice. But in the end I didn't know what to do so I sort of walked away.

The parrot and I got on real well. He was especially fond of Kat, one of the friends I went with, as was his owner. But he [the parrot] had a fine time nibbling my nose. Thank goodness Suzy got a picture of that blissful, albeit fleeting moment.
Oh maaaan, look how beautiful we are together. Look how well he matches my scarf.

I'm a little jealous of Kat, cause I mean, look at her--she could be a pirate, for sure.

In other news, I told my French crush to "smell better" after he told me he was sick. Whoops!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Just strolling along, doin' my own thang, eatin' muh sandwich and BAM- I walk into a huge demonstration taking up two large blocks, madness everywhere! Drummers drumming, pipers piping, flares-a-flaring, coppers copping. Smokers smoking, punks-a-punking, dirty hippies... not doing much. It was weird because to walk into it, I had to pass a row of police men with shields who weren't letting anyone out of the mess but evidently had no problem with people walking into it. Well, no matter, I'm just glad nobody initiated violence on me for looking so blasé with my tuna melt. They were "protesting the school system," which is French for, "We're bored, let's hold up traffic." It was fun to watch for a while, until I noticed my path home was obstructed by hoooligans! And then I had to beg another row of cops to let me out.

"What do these students want?" I earnestly ask my old French lady. "To annoy people." IN-deed!

Well, I guess I found the Scene. I should start hanging out at protests, pretending I'm For The Cause. I only pray they don't make me grow dreadlocks!